The United States’ top global adversaries are investing heavily in next-generation technologies to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in America’s (often outmoded and outdated) digital infrastructure. Simultaneously, COVID-19 has created a need for a federal workforce that can remotely access sensitive government data from a variety of locations and devices.

As a result, a whole-of-government effort is underway to modernize the federal IT infrastructure and to establish its security and upkeep as indispensable to national security. There’s an expanding market and investor base associated with this sweeping digital modernization, which financial sponsors interested in the space should watch closely.

In this report, William Blair’s aerospace, defense, and government services team explains this multi-layered sea change taking place across the U.S. government.

Key takeaways:

  • The numbers behind an aging infrastructure and the evolving nature of work
  • How the government IT budget is set to grow in the coming years
  • What the U.S. is prioritizing as it looks to make digital upgrades
  • Top valuation concerns for companies involved in federal IT modernization