"William Blair" and "R*Docs" are registered trademarks of William Blair & Company, L.L.C.

As used on this site, "William Blair" refers to William Blair & Company, L.L.C., William Blair Investment Management, LLC, and affiliates. For more information about William Blair, please see About William Blair.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and not intended as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Investment advice and recommendations can be provided only after careful consideration of an investor’s objectives, guidelines, and restrictions.

View our Disclosures and Policies

Consolidated Statement of Financial Condition
NMS Rule 605 & 606
Allocation Procedures for Partial Redemptions or Calls of Securities
Business Continuity Plan
Conflicts of Interest Policy
U.K. Disclosures
Social Media Disclaimer
Health Plan Price Transparency – Medical Plan Machine Readable Files

Consolidated Statement of Financial Condition

The Annual and Semi-annual Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition of William Blair & Company, L.L.C., and its wholly owned subsidiary, William Blair International, Limited (collectively the "Company") are available below.

Clients may also request a printed copy of the statements by calling +1 800 621 0687 ext. 5001.

NMS Rule 605 & 606

Disclosure of SEC-Required Order Execution Information and Routing Information

For the convenience of our clients, below we provide links to order execution data and routing information as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission rules and regulations.

NMS Rule 605 - Order Execution Information

William Blair & Company presents this order execution information pursuant to NMS Rule 605. Access our William Blair Rule 605 Data files.

The data that you will find by following the link above will provide you with an indication of the type of execution you will receive for stocks in which William Blair is a market maker. However, please be aware that the majority of the order flow executed by William Blair & Company is not covered by NMS Rule 605 due to special handling requests by customers. The execution results from this order flow will not appear in the data and may differ substantially from the results.

NMS Rule 606 - Order Routing Information

William Blair & Company presents this order routing information pursuant to NMS Rule 606.

William Blair takes into consideration many factors when determining where to route customers' orders. These include opportunities for price improvement, speed of execution, market depth and order size, cost of execution and the reputation of a particular venue. William Blair actively monitors the execution quality provided by the different market makers and exchanges, and routes orders to venues that have provided consistent, high-quality executions over time.

Q2 2024 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q1 2024 606(a) PDF File XML File

Q4 2023 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q3 2023 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q2 2023 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q1 2023 606(a) PDF File XML File

Q4 2022 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q3 2022 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q2 2022 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q1 2022 606(a) PDF File XML File

Q4 2021 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q3 2021 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q2 2021 606(a) PDF File XML File
Q1 2021 606(a) PDF File XML File

Rule 606(a) Disclosure

Allocation Procedures for Partial Redemptions or Calls of Securities

To the extent William Blair & Company, L.L.C. ("William Blair") holds on behalf of any customer account securities which, by their terms, may be called or redeemed prior to maturity ("callable securities") and a partial call or redemption involving such securities occurs, the following procedures will be followed. William Blair will administer the partial call or redemption via an impartial lottery system by which it will allocate among its customers the securities to be selected as called or redeemed. In the event the call or redemption is deemed to be on terms favorable to the applicable holder, as determined by William Blair, William Blair shall not allocate the securities to any account in which it or its associated persons have an interest until all other customers' positions in such securities have been satisfied. In the event the call or redemption is deemed to be on terms unfavorable to the applicable holder, as determined by William Blair, the accounts of customers and associated persons will participate in the impartial lottery on equal terms. Additional details concerning the lottery process are available upon request.

Business Continuity Plan

FINRA Rule 4370 requires that members and member firms establish and maintain business continuity and contingency plans relating to an emergency or significant business disruption.

Business Continuity Plan Summary

Conflicts of Interest Policy

William Blair Investment Management maintains a conflicts-of-interest policy that identifies actual and potential conflicts and describes the steps we take to mitigate and manage these conflicts.

Conflicts of Interest Policy

U.K. Disclosures

Company Information

William Blair International, Ltd
22 Bishopsgate
47th Floor
London, EC2N 4BQ
United Kingdom

Registered in England & Wales:
Company Registration Number 03619027
Vat Number 731317071

U.K. Modern Slavery Act Statement
WBIL Tax Strategy

Execution Venues

New York Stock Exchange

MiFID Disclosure

Execution Policy
MIFIDPRU8 Disclosure


William Blair International, Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Shareholder Rights Disclosure

Shareholder Rights Directive Engagement Policy

Social Media Disclaimer

William Blair & Company, L.L.C. is a broker dealer and investment adviser dually registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). William Blair, along with affiliated entities William Blair Investment Management, LLC and William Blair International, Ltd (collectively, “William Blair”) sponsors and publishes posts on or through pages, profiles, accounts, feeds, channels or other portions of various social media platforms, including but not limited to YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (each, a “Site”) for educational, promotional or other business reasons.

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William Blair posts on social media may include statements concerning financial market trends, and are based on current market conditions, which will fluctuate and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. Historic market trends are not reliable indicators of actual future market behavior or future performance of any particular investment which may differ materially, and should not be relied upon as such. The investment strategies and broad themes discussed in William Blair’s social media posts may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives and financial situation. Information contained in posts has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. You should note that the materials on the social media platforms are provided "as is" without any express or implied warranties. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All investments involve a degree of risk, including the risk of loss. No part of William Blair posts may be altered without express written permission from William Blair.

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General User Guidelines

Due to the highly regulated nature of our industry and as a matter of policy, William Blair, in some instances, may not reply to user comments. Please ensure that your contributions in relation to any William Blair posts are relevant and topical. Do not publish your own advertisements of any kind on any William Blair social media page or with respect to any William Blair posts. We ask you to be respectful and courteous and refrain from publishing, including through hyper-links, inappropriate or offensive material on any William Blair social media page. Do not attempt to promote investments (this includes posting testimonials, giving investment advice, or making recommendations about specific securities, securities strategies, products or services) on any William Blair social media page. Do not attempt to submit to William Blair any personal, confidential or account information through any William Blair social media page. William Blair is not subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding information submitted to them through any William Blair social media page or otherwise through any social media platform.

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Forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to, among other things, the operations and performance of our businesses. You can identify these forward-looking statements by the use of words such as “outlook,” “believe,” “expect,” “potential,” “continue,” “may,” “should,” “seek,” “approximately,” “predict,” “intend,” “will,” “plan,” “estimate,” “anticipate” or the negative version of these words or other comparable words. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

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The investments and strategies discussed in the content may not be suitable for all investors and are not obligations of William Blair or any of its affiliates or guaranteed by William Blair or any of its affiliates. The investments are not bank deposits and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other entity and are subject to investment risks, including the loss of the principal amount invested. Nothing contained on the Site constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice nor is to be relied on in making an investment or other decision. You should obtain and carefully review any applicable prospectus, statement of additional information and/or offering memorandum as well the William Blair Form ADV, as applicable, before making any investment decision. Decisions based on information or materials contained on any social media page are the sole responsibility of the user.

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Miscellaneous Provisions

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For additional information regarding account security and privacy, refer to our Privacy and Security statement. For customer service inquiries or questions about your accounts, please visit our website at: www.williamblair.com.

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Your use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of the terms contained herein. You may reject these terms by leaving the Site at any time.

For additional information about William Blair or to contact us, please visit our website at: www.williamblair.com.

William Blair Funds

Please carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing. This and other information is contained in the Funds’ prospectus, which you may obtain by calling +1 800 742 7272. Read it carefully before you invest or send money. Investing includes the risk of loss.

Health Plan Price Transparency – Medical Plan Machine Readable Files

This is the website for the William Blair & Company, L.L.C. Welfare Benefits Plan. Our Employee Identification Number (EIN) is 362214610.

The below links will take you to the Machine Readable Files for each of our medical plans:

  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (account number: IL262029)
  • Kaiser Permanente HMO (group numbers: 152182, 52016)