Video transcript

Maggie Nolan: Upgrades to 5G by carriers are already underway, and the fifth generation of the mobile network is notably different from 4G and the generations before it. Of particular interest is the expectation that 5G can provide better broadband coverage across rural areas. Tens of millions of Americans lack access to high-speed internet, primarily in rural locations. This has not escaped the notice of politicians. In fact one of the key components of the Infrastructure Bill is the biggest investment in broadband in decades. Imbedded in the bill is roughly $65 billion through largely grants to states for broadband deployment, and 5G's use of more of the radio spectrum than previous generations may be a key factor in bringing reliable broadband to rural locations, making it a likely component of investments. Overall, enhanced connectivity from 5G will be transformative, and its enablement of other cutting-edge technologies could impact a variety of industries. Technology such as augmented and virtual reality, which will benefit from 5G's enhanced network speeds; or the internet of things which will be enabled by the significant increase in connection density. The use of sensors and real time data processing will enhance decision making, customer experiences, and more. Imagine connected smart machinery with real-time, self-diagnostic tools in agriculture or industrial applications, or a virtual doctor visit with a superior image quality and easy access to large volumes of medical data, or even just improved frictionless checkout in a retail setting. From the jobs created during the buildout to the new products, services, and jobs that will materialize as a result of widespread use, 5G will have a significant impact on the economy in years to come.