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Our Capabilities: Pre-Liquidity Planning

Having guided many startup entrepreneurs and executives through liquidity events, both from investment banking and wealth management perspectives, William Blair can help you identify the most important questions to ask as you prepare for a liquidity event.

Questions to Consider

Are you a company founder or family business owner considering the sale of your business?

Looking to recapitalize through a round of growth funding or private equity investment?

Expecting to sell private shares on the secondary markets?

If you are a company founder or family business owner approaching a liquidity event, we bring expertise, strategic thinking, and best practices to help you understand and plan for the financial implications of a transaction. Critical decisions regarding your personal planning goals are best made well in advance of a transaction. Our professionals have worked with hundreds of clients from both the wealth management and investment banking perspectives and begin with the most important question: What do you hope to achieve with the sale or recap of your business? From there, we provide guidance to help you maximize value creation, employ strategies to improve tax efficiency while protecting assets, and ultimately achieve your longer-term goals.


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